Lithuania Climate is transitional between maritime and continental. You have no reason to worry about weather in Lithuania. The average annual temperature is about 6 C. The average temperature of January is -4.8 C. (in Ignalina). The average temperature of July is 17.2 C, fluctuates from 16.5 C (in Klaipeda) to 17.6 C (in Kaunas). The mean annual precipitation varies from 540 mm (in the Middle Lowlands) to 930 mm (on the southwest slopes of the Zemaitija Uplands). The greatest amount of it falls in August, at the seaside - in October. The vegetation season in Lithuania lasts from 169 to 202 days (the shortest - is in Eastern Lithuania, the longest - at the seaside). Above all, Lithuania weather is not a deterrent to the travelers and visitors. People from across the world get in to the place to relax and enjoy like anything.
Average Temperature |
Jan uary : |
-4.8 C |
July : |
17.2 C |
Annual : |
6 C |