Lithuania is one of the states in the East ringing the Baltic Sea. As you can see in map of lithuania falls in the Centre of Europe (18 km from Vilnius). To the north it borders on the Republic of Latvia (the lenght of the border 610 km) to the east and south it borders on Belorussia (724 km), to the southwest - on Poland (110 km ). The Territory of Lithuanian is 65200 square km. Capital of Lithuania is Vilnius . Administratively, Lithuania is divided into 44 regions, and 52 districts, there are 92 cities (among them 11 under the republic's jurisdiction) and 22 urban-type settlements. Reform of administrative-territorial division is in progress. The length of sea coastline is 99km. The coast is covered by sand beaches and coastal dunes. At the south coast is the Courland lagoon. The Courland Spit separates it from the Baltic Sea.